This is Why You Should Consider New Printing Plate Maker over Second-Hand

It is true that you might be operating under a stringent budget, and that is why you are considering buying a second-hand printing plate maker. However, there is a need to be aware of the shortcomings associated with second-hand printing plate makers. The last thing you want is to experience too many inconveniences when operating your printing plate maker, right? There are many justified reasons why you should consider a new printing plate maker over second-hand. Here are among the prime reasons:


One of the prime elements that you must always consider in buying a printing plate maker is the degree of quality. In essence, you need to only settle for the best quality and nothing less. Second-hand printing plate makers tend to be of lower quality as compared to new ones. This means that there is compromised quality that may be as a result or previous usage. Therefore, new printing plate maker would be the best option in this case.


It is notable that the longer a printing plate maker operates, the more it is subjected to wear and tear. This means that you should expect lower productivity when dealing with second-hand printing plate makers. This is something that cannot be said about new printing plate makers. They are in perfect operating condition, hence high degree of productivity. In other words, the output achieved when using new printing plate maker is far much better than what a second-hand maker would generate.


Obviously, a second-hand printing plate maker has been in use for some time before being put on sale. This means that part of its lifespan is already spent. In other words, you should not expect extended durability when you opt for a second-hand printing plate maker. New ones will always last longer.


New printing plate makers are not easily damaged due to extensive operations. This implies that you will not be required to undertake constant maintenance on such a plate maker. On the other hand, second-hand printing plate maker requires a lot of maintenance hence not too convenient for the user.